Developing an inclement weather policy to protect employees

Weather events can have a significant impact on both employees and businesses, with 2023 marking a historic year for billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the US. According to the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), “There were 28 weather and climate disasters in 2023, surpassing the previous record of 22 in 2020, tallying a price tag of at least $92.9 billion,” including winter and sever weather storms. With the frequency and severity of inclement weather events on the rise, it’s essential for organizations to have a robust inclement weather policy in place to protect employees and ensure business continuity.

Understanding inclement weather

Inclement weather encompasses a wide range of adverse weather conditions, including hurricanes, wildfires, flooding, heavy rain, tornados, snowstorms, hailstorms, heat waves, and ice storms. Each of these weather events poses unique challenges and risks to employee safety and business operations.

Importance of having an inclement weather policy

Given the increasing frequency and severity of inclement weather events, having a comprehensive inclement weather policy is crucial for organizations. While OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) “does not have a specific standard that covers working in cold environments, employers have a responsibility to provide workers with employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards, including winter weather-related hazards.” Such a policy addresses the main concerns of employees, ensures maintaining OSHA standards, promotes organizational resilience, and safeguards both safety and productivity.

What to include in an inclement weather policy

Incorporating safety procedures, communication guidelines, and employee rights into an inclement weather policy is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees while maintaining business continuity.

Communication before, during, and after an extreme weather event

Effective communication is essential during inclement weather events to ensure the safety and well-being of employees. Establish a designated communication channel and provide sample email and text message templates for notifying employees of weather-related updates and instructions.

Communication before inclement weather events

Draft a series of pre-configured messages for the most likely weather events that could impact your staff. For instance, if your region is prone to tornadoes or flooding, prepare clear instructions such as “Head to the underground shelter immediately!”

Preparation is the best insurance to minimize impact. Conduct emergency preparedness training to ensure your employees know how to react and are equipped with the necessary tools to stay safe.

Part of this plan should include defining the communication tree. Determine who is responsible for publishing content and rehearse this process to avoid any confusion when it’s needed most.

Communication during inclement weather events

When a weather event strikes, employees need up-to-the-minute information from a reliable source they trust. Utilize all available internal communication channels to ensure your message is widespread. Emergency communication channels help coordinate and advise staff during any crisis.

For urgent messages, use channels that ensure immediate visibility. Tools like Alerts and panic button notifications can override other applications, appearing directly on all desktop and mobile screens, bypassing email. Emails are often not timely enough and can be easily missed.

Provide explicit instructions and include links to more detailed information if needed.

Sample email message

Subject Line: Important Update: Inclement Weather Advisory

Due to the forecasted severe weather conditions, we have decided to implement our inclement weather policy. Please review the attached document for detailed instructions on safety procedures and employee rights. Stay safe and remain indoors until further notice.

[Your name, department, and contact information]

Sample Text Message

Inclement Weather Advisory: Due to severe weather conditions, all employees are advised to stay indoors and refrain from traveling until further notice. Updates will be provided as the situation evolves.

Communication after inclement weather events

After the event has passed, review your communication strategy to identify what worked well and what needs improvement. Gather feedback from staff through a survey; you may find that the frequency of communications needs adjusting or that one format is more effective than others.

Most importantly, keep your emergency communication plan up to date. Staff will continue to join and leave the organization; remote offices may open or close; the communications coordinator themselves may move on, taking their knowledge with them.

Urgency is essential when extreme weather events strike. A comprehensive crisis communications plan will help your organization be prepared, minimize risk, and save lives.

How Everbridge can help

In addition, Everbridge provides a variety of tools and solutions for effective communication before, during, and after an inclement weather event.

Looking to the future

As inclement weather events continue to pose significant challenges for organizations, it’s essential to weatherproof your organization and prepare for the future. By implementing a comprehensive inclement weather policy and leveraging tools like Everbridge’s solutions for mass notification and incident communications, organizations can enhance their resilience and protect their most valuable asset—their employees.

Developing an effective inclement weather policy is vital for protecting employees and ensuring business continuity during adverse weather events. By addressing safety procedures, communication guidelines, and employee rights, organizations can better prepare for and respond to inclement weather events, ultimately safeguarding both their employees and their business operations.

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